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Reasons Why An Escape Room Could Be A Good Addition To Your 4th Of July Activity List

The Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day, is a special commemoration of the birth of the United States of America. You may likely be aware of the various festivities that take place on this day, such as barbeques, fireworks, and family gatherings. Although these activities are original and resemble the sanctity of America’s birthday, there is nothing wrong with finding a new activity to do for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.

Visiting an escape room is the ideal indoor activity to host on your Fourth of July Holiday in Memphis. In this article, you will learn about the three reasons why an escape room is the perfect Fourth of July Destination in Memphis.

It’s Different

For many years, it has been a tradition to celebrate Independence Day outdoors. Familiarly, individuals across the nation have made family barbecues, outdoor sports, and fireworks ubiquitous. Rightfully so, these traditions will likely never lose their importance, mainly because of the fond memories attached to these specific activities. Nevertheless, it couldn't hurt to try something new and even add a new activity to your Independence Day regimen.

Escape rooms have become one of the most popular indoor activities in the world. Visiting an escape room for the first time can endear you to a new tradition on your Independence Day, as well as give you and your family a fantastic indoor vacation that can stimulate your thinking and teamwork skills. All in all, visiting your local escape room in Memphis is optimal towards establishing some new and creative activities on the Fourth of July.

It Encourages Family Bonding

One of the core aspects of the Fourth of July holiday is family. On this particular day, millions of people across the country gather together to spend time with their family and loved ones. Therefore, Independence Day is an important holiday that is meant to encourage family bonding.

Likewise, escape rooms in Memphis provide the same value. In an escape room, you and your family are separated into teams. Both teams will compete to solve puzzles, riddles, and other challenges. The team that finished first obtains bragging rights, but the task of doing so if not very simple.

Completing an escape room puzzle requires a team to work together effectively. Hence, visiting an escape room with your family will give all of you the opportunity to create a new bond that can last for years to come.

Escape Rooms are Affordable

Searching for a valuable family activity can become a stressful task, especially if affordability is thrown into question. While there are a variety of activities, you can do in Memphis on the Fourth of July, such as visiting the Millington Naval Base to watch the fireworks or taking a trip to Central Gardens for a city-wide picnic, attempting to try a new activity could carry a hefty price tag.

Memphis escape rooms are generally affordable to the public, and you won't have to break the bank, even if a large variety of your family members will show up. To find a local escape room, open your browser and type, "escape rooms near me" to obtain an exhaustive list of your nearest escape rooms.

Overall, Independence Day is meant to be spent with your family and loved ones. If you are considering adding a new family tradition into the fold, try visiting your local escape room to find the value of family this Fourth of July.